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    Jiangsu Provincial Party Secretary Li Qiang and Provincial Governor Shi Taifeng Visited Jiangsu Hopefull

    Release time:2016-10-19

    Jiangsu provincial party secretary Li Qiang together with deputy secretary and provincial governor Shi Taifeng, leading the members of the forum devoting to promote the development of Yangtze River economic belt, visited Jiangsu Hopefull plant in Taizhou on Oct.17, 2016. The president of Hopefull Group Shi Kerong introduced Hopefull Group and Taizhou plant to the visitors. 

    Hopefull Grain & Oil Group is an integrated group which has 30 years experience in oil industry. Hopefull has consecutively been ranked as ‘China’s Top 500 enterprises’ and ‘China’s Top 10 food industry enterprises’ for 11 years since 2005 and is ranked No. 1 in the private grain and oil processing industry. As the largest private grain and oil enterprise, the total investment of Hopefull plant based in Jiangsu is 3.07 billion and its processing capacity is 4 million tons per year. Jiangsu project achieved the goal of ‘Project Approved, Project Constructed, Project Completed & Putting into Operation and Making profit within a year’.

    Meanwhile, the construction of Jiangsu Hopefull is not based on traditional or general concept of grain and oil processing enterprise, but is a practice of President Xi’s spirit of ‘Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets’. Jiangsu Hopefull, persisting in green development and environment protection, is an environmental protection demonstration enterprise with social responsibility. In regard of energy saving and emission reduction, Jiangsu Hopefull could save energy 50% and reduce carbon emission more than 250 thousand tons comparing with traditional grain and oil processing industry; in regard of environmental protection, its sewage treatment plant with daily treatment of 1500 tons realizes zero discharge of waste water and gas; in regard of manufacturing technique, Jiangsu Hopefull adopts the cutting-edge cooking oil manufacturing techniques to accomplish the automation and intelligentization in its manufacturing process.  

    Secretary Li highly approved of the environmental protection action fulfilled by Jiangsu Hopefull, hoping Hopefull may reach to higher goals and achieve better development. 

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