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    Wang Yanqing, Deputy Governor of People's Bank of China, Shijiazhuang Branch visited Hopefull Grain & Oil Group

    Release time:2017-11-17

        On November 16, 2017, Wang Yanqing, vice president of People's Bank of China, Shijiazhuang Branch visited Hopefull Grain & Oil Group. Shi Kerong, chairman and president of Hopefull Grain & Oil Group, warmly welcomed Mr. Wang and his parties.
        Listening attentively to the report of Mr. Shi and the Financial Director on the business situation, import business and centralized operation of foreign exchange funds by multinational corporations at the symposium, Mr. Wang visited the Hopefull Group, including the Exhibition Hall, Filling workshop, Warehousing and Logistics Center, then answered the questions raised by the enterprises one by one.
        Later on the forum Mr. Wang Yanqing delivered a concluding speech: First, he highly praised the achievements made by Hopfull Group. He pointed out that Hopefull Group thoroughly implemented the reports of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, adhered to the path of sustainable development, paid attention to the people's livelihood, did its social responsibility and made contributions to the country and deserved the national banks to learn together. Afterwards, he pointed out that the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is the guidance of all actions for development. Under the new journey of a new era, the 19th reports should be used as guidance for action for business development. Cooperation between banks and enterprises should be strengthened and the precise services should be carried out. For the future development of Hopefull Group, he put forward the following expectations: First, to focus on the business development and demand, improve the services of the People's Bank and the SAFE; secondly, to respect the choice of enterprises and truly facilitate business; thirdly, to maintain a sustainable interaction between National Banks; Fourth, to strengthen the building of enterprise culture; Fifth, to continue working on the "environmental protection, risk and poverty alleviation"; sixth, the People's Bank of China should set up a sound bridge between the banks and enterprises. Mr. Wang looks forward to the development of the Hopefull Group with high quality, high efficiency, sustainable development and achieving greater goals.

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